(17)A peaceful year of steady progress on my craft and health.
Building an AI coach with speech-to-text, text-to-speech, an LLM, and a virtual number.
An expanded charter, lots of writing and speaking, and finally learning to snowboard.
Travelled, wrote, and learned a lot, L5 -> L6, gave a keynote at RecSyS, and started a meetup.
Met most of my goals, adopted a puppy, and built
28 Nov 2021  Ā·  7 min  Ā·  productivity life
Even high achieving individuals experience impostor syndrome; here's how Susan learned to manage it.
18 Apr 2021  Ā·  8 min  Ā·  career life learning
More education, achievements, and awards don't shoo away imposter syndrome. Here's what might help.
11 Apr 2021  Ā·  9 min  Ā·  career life learning
What do you deeply care about? What do you excel at? Build a career out of that.
Mike and I take a philosophical detour on Talk Python and discuss life lessons from machine learning.
26 Mar 2021  Ā·  1 min  Ā·  machinelearning life
I wish I started sooner. All have improved my life and several have compounding effects.
A public roadmap to track and share my progress; nothing mission or work-related.
03 Jan 2021  Ā·  4 min  Ā·  productivity life
Wrapping up 2020 with writing and site statistics, graphs, and a word cloud.
20 Dec 2020  Ā·  8 min  Ā·  productivity life
A short story on flying daggers and life's challenges.
Time to clear the cache, evaluate existing processes, and start new threads.
06 Dec 2020  Ā·  4 min  Ā·  productivity life
Data cleaning, transfer learning, overfitting, ensembling, and more.
22 Nov 2020  Ā·  11 min  Ā·  machinelearning career life
What if the alternative was nothingness?
26 Sep 2020  Ā·  1 min  Ā·  life
I thought giving it my all led to maximum outcomes; then I learnt about the 85% rule.
09 Jul 2020  Ā·  2 min  Ā·  productivity life š©·
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