How to Test Machine Learning Code and Systems

[ machinelearning engineering python ] · 14 min read

Two weeks ago, Jeremy wrote a great post on Effective Testing for Machine Learning Systems. He distinguished between traditional software tests and machine learning (ML) tests; software tests check the written logic while ML tests check the learned logic.

ML tests can be further split into testing and evaluation. We’re familiar with ML evaluation where we train a model and evaluate its performance on an unseen validation set; this is done via metrics (e.g., accuracy, Area under Curve of Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC ROC)) and visuals (e.g., precision-recall curve).

On the other hand, ML testing involves checks on model behaviour. Pre-train tests—which can be run without trained parameters—check if our written logic is correct. For example, is classification probability between 0 to 1? Post-train tests check if the learned logic is expected. For example, on the Titanic dataset, we should expect females to have a higher survival probability (relative to males).

Workflow for testing machine learning

Workflow for testing machine learning (source)

Taken together, here’s how the workflow might look like. To complement this, we’ll implement a machine learning model and run the following tests on it:

Follow along with the code in this Github repository: testing-ml

Setting up the context (algorithm and data)

Before we can do ML testing, we’ll need an algorithm and some data. Our algorithm will be a numpy implementation of DecisionTree which predicts a probability for binary classification. (Extensions to make it support regression welcome!).

To run our tests, we’ll use the Titanic dataset. This tiny data set (~900 rows, 10 features) makes for fast testing (when model training is involved) and allows us to iterate quickly. (As part of performance evaluation, we run fit() and predict() hundreds of times to get the 99th percentile timing.) The simplicity and familiarity of the data also makes it easier to discuss the post-train (i.e., learned logic) tests.

+ ------------+----------+--------+-----------------------------------------+--------+-----+-------+-------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+
| PassengerId | Survived | Pclass | Name                                    | Sex    | Age | SibSp | Parch | Ticket    |    Fare | Cabin | Embarked |
+ ------------+----------+--------+-----------------------------------------+--------+-----+-------+-------+-----------+---------+-------+----------|
|           1 |        0 |      3 | Braund, Mr. Owen Harris                 | male   |  22 |     1 |     0 | A/5 21171 |    7.25 | nan   | S        |
|           2 |        1 |      1 | Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence... | female |  38 |     1 |     0 | PC 17599  | 71.2833 | C85   | C        |
|           3 |        1 |      3 | Heikkinen, Miss. Laina                  | female |  26 |     0 |     0 | STON/O2.  |   7.925 | nan   | S        |
|           4 |        1 |      1 | Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily M... | female |  35 |     1 |     0 | 113803    |    53.1 | C123  | S        |
|           5 |        0 |      3 | Allen, Mr. William Henry                | male   |  35 |     0 |     0 | 373450    |    8.05 | nan   | S        |
|           6 |        0 |      3 | Moran, Mr. James                        | male   | nan |     0 |     0 | 330877    |  8.4583 | nan   | Q        |
|           7 |        0 |      1 | McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J                 | male   |  54 |     0 |     0 | 17463     | 51.8625 | E46   | S        |
|           8 |        0 |      3 | Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard          | male   |   2 |     3 |     1 | 349909    |  21.075 | nan   | S        |
|           9 |        1 |      3 | Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vil... | female |  27 |     0 |     2 | 347742    | 11.1333 | nan   | S        |
|          10 |        1 |      2 | Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)     | female |  14 |     1 |     0 | 237736    | 30.0708 | nan   | C        |
+ ------------+----------+--------+-----------------------------------------+--------+-----+-------+-------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+

If you're unfamiliar with the Titanic dataset, here's how it looks like (scroll to the right).

Adopting testing habits from software engineering

We’ll adopt some good habits from software engineering. We won’t go through them in detail here though it was previously covered in another post:

(Note: The tests below won’t include type hints though the implementation code does.)

Pre-train tests to ensure correct implementation

In pre-train tests, we want to catch errors in our implementation (i.e., written logic) before training an erroneous model. We can run these tests without a fully trained model.

First, we’ll test our functions of Gini impurity and Gini gain. These will be used to split the data and grow our decision tree.

def test_gini_impurity():
    assert round(gini_impurity([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]), 3) == 0
    assert round(gini_impurity([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]), 3) == 0.219
    assert round(gini_impurity([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]), 3) == 0.375
    assert round(gini_impurity([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]), 3) == 0.469
    assert round(gini_impurity([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 3) == 0.500

def test_gini_gain():
    assert round(gini_gain([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]]), 3) == 0.5
    assert round(gini_gain([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [[1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]), 3) == 0.125
    assert round(gini_gain([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1]]), 3) == 0.125
    assert round(gini_gain([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]]), 3) == 0.0

Next, we’ll check if the model prediction shape is expected. We should have the same number of rows as the input features.

def test_dt_output_shape(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic
    dt = DecisionTree(), y_train)
    pred_train = dt.predict(X_train)
    pred_test = dt.predict(X_test)

    assert pred_train.shape == (X_train.shape[0],), 'DecisionTree output should be same as training labels.'
    assert pred_test.shape == (X_test.shape[0],), 'DecisionTree output should be same as testing labels.'

We’ll also want to check the output ranges. Given that we’re predicting probabilities, we should expect the output to range from 0 to 1 inclusive.

def test_dt_output_range(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic
    dt = DecisionTree(), y_train)
    pred_train = dt.predict(X_train)
    pred_test = dt.predict(X_test)

    assert (pred_train <= 1).all() & (pred_train >= 0).all(), 'Decision tree output should range from 0 to 1 inclusive'
    assert (pred_test <= 1).all() & (pred_test >= 0).all(), 'Decision tree output should range from 0 to 1 inclusive'

Here, we’ll check for test set leakage (i.e., duplicate rows in train/test splits) by concatenating train and test data, dropping duplicates, and checking the number of rows. (Note: Other leakages include temporal leaks and feature leaks; we won’t cover them here.)

def test_data_leak_in_test_data(dummy_titanic_df):
    train, test = dummy_titanic_df

    concat_df = pd.concat([train, test])

    assert concat_df.shape[0] == train.shape[0] + test.shape[0]

Given perfectly separable data and unlimited depth, our decision tree should be able to “memorise” the training data and overfit completely. In other words, if we train and evaluate on the training data, we should get 100% accuracy. (Note: the Titanic data isn’t perfectly separable so we’ll create a small data sample for this.)

def dummy_feats_and_labels():
    feats = np.array([[0.7057, -5.4981, 8.3368, -2.8715],
                      [2.4391, 6.4417, -0.80743, -0.69139],
                      [-0.2062, 9.2207, -3.7044, -6.8103],
                      [4.2586, 11.2962, -4.0943, -4.3457],
                      [-2.343, 12.9516, 3.3285, -5.9426],
                      [-2.0545, -10.8679, 9.4926, -1.4116],
                      [2.2279, 4.0951, -4.8037, -2.1112],
                      [-6.1632, 8.7096, -0.21621, -3.6345],
                      [0.52374, 3.644, -4.0746, -1.9909],
                      [1.5077, 1.9596, -3.0584, -0.12243]
    labels = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    return feats, labels

def test_dt_overfit(dummy_feats_and_labels):
    feats, labels = dummy_feats_and_labels
    dt = DecisionTree(), labels)
    pred = np.round(dt.predict(feats))

    assert np.array_equal(labels, pred), 'DecisionTree should fit data perfectly and prediction should == labels.'

Lastly, we check if increasing tree depth leads to increased accuracy and AUC ROC on training data (though it’ll overfit and perform poorly on validation data). In the test below, we fit trees of depth one to 10 and ensure training accuracy and AUC increases consistently.

def test_dt_increase_acc(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, _, _ = dummy_titanic

    acc_list = []
    auc_list = []
    for depth in range(1, 10):
        dt = DecisionTree(depth_limit=depth), y_train)
        pred = dt.predict(X_train)
        pred_binary = np.round(pred)
        acc_list.append(accuracy_score(y_train, pred_binary))
        auc_list.append(roc_auc_score(y_train, pred))

    assert sorted(acc_list) == acc_list, 'Accuracy should increase as tree depth increases.'
    assert sorted(auc_list) == auc_list, 'AUC ROC should increase as tree depth increases.'

Post-train tests to ensure expected learned behaviour

In post-train tests, we want to check if the model is behaving correctly. Thus, we test our trained models for their learned logic. I’m unaware of any frameworks for doing this so here’s my take on it (suggestions welcome!). I took inspiration from the excellent paper Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList.

First, we check for invariance. Keeping everything constant and tweaking one feature at a time, how would model predictions change? We should not expect survival probability to change due to the passenger’s name, ticket number, or port of embarkation.

def dummy_passengers():
    # Based on passenger 2 (high passenger class female)
    passenger2 = {'PassengerId': 2,
                  'Pclass': 1,
                  'Name': ' Mrs. John',
                  'Sex': 'female',
                  'Age': 38.0,
                  'SibSp': 1,
                  'Parch': 0,
                  'Ticket': 'PC 17599',
                  'Fare': 71.2833,
                  'Embarked': 'C'}

    return passenger2

def test_dt_invariance(dummy_titanic_dt, dummy_passengers):
    model = dummy_titanic_dt
    _, p2 = dummy_passengers

    # Get original survival probability of passenger 2
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 1.0

    # Change name from John to Berns (without changing gender or title)
    p2_name = p2.copy()
    p2_name['Name'] = ' Mrs. Berns'
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2_name], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_name_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 1.0 

    # Change ticket number from 'PC 17599' to 'A/5 21171'
    p2_ticket = p2.copy()
    p2_ticket['ticket'] = 'A/5 21171'
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2_ticket], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_ticket_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 1.0

    assert p2_prob == p2_name_prob == p2_ticket_prob

On the other hand, we have directional expectations such as:

  • Females having higher survival probability (than males)
  • Higher passenger class having higher survival probability (than lower classes)
  • Higher fare having higher survival probability (than lower fare)
def test_dt_directional_expectation(dummy_titanic_dt, dummy_passengers):
    model = dummy_titanic_dt
    _, p2 = dummy_passengers

    # Get original survival probability of passenger 2
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 1.0

    # Change gender from female to male
    p2_male = p2.copy()
    p2_male['Name'] = ' Mr. John'
    p2_male['Sex'] = 'male'
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2_male], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_male_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 0.56

    # Change class from 1 to 3
    p2_class = p2.copy()
    p2_class['Pclass'] = 3
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2_class], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_class_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 0.0

    # Lower fare from 71.2833 to 5
    p2_fare = p2.copy()
    p2_fare['Fare'] = 5
    test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([p2_fare], orient='columns')
    X, y = get_feats_and_labels(prep_df(test_df))
    p2_fare_prob = model.predict(X)[0]  # 0.85

    assert p2_prob > p2_male_prob, 'Changing gender from female to male should decrease survival probability.'
    assert p2_prob > p2_class_prob, 'Changing class from 1 to 3 should decrease survival probability.'
    assert p2_prob > p2_fare_prob, 'Changing fare from 72 to 5 should decrease survival probability.'

Model evaluation to ensure satisfactory performance

Last, we evaluate our model to ensure performance does not degrade, whether due to new data or updated implementation. Here, we assess model performance on accuracy and AUC.

def test_dt_evaluation(dummy_titanic_dt, dummy_titanic):
    model = dummy_titanic_dt
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic
    pred_test = model.predict(X_test)
    pred_test_binary = np.round(pred_test)
    acc_test = accuracy_score(y_test, pred_test_binary)
    auc_test = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_test)

    assert acc_test > 0.82, 'Accuracy on test should be > 0.82'
    assert auc_test > 0.84, 'AUC ROC on test should be > 0.84'

As part of evaluation, we’ll also assess training and inference times. We should not expect algorithm updates to change these times greatly. Consumers of our predictions might have strict latency requirements. Here, we call fit() and predict() multiple times and check the 99th percentile.

def test_dt_training_time(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic

    # Standardize to use depth = 10
    dt = DecisionTree(depth_limit=10)
    latency_array = np.array([train_with_time(dt, X_train, y_train)[1] for i in range(100)])
    time_p95 = np.quantile(latency_array, 0.95)
    assert time_p95 < 1.0, 'Training time at 95th percentile should be < 1.0 sec'

def test_dt_serving_latency(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic

    # Standardize to use depth = 10
    dt = DecisionTree(depth_limit=10), y_train)

    latency_array = np.array([predict_with_time(dt, X_test)[1] for i in range(500)])
    latency_p99 = np.quantile(latency_array, 0.99)
    assert latency_p99 < 0.004, 'Serving latency at 99th percentile should be < 0.004 sec'
Model testing vs. evaluation; similar to white box vs black box?

As I write this, I’m seeing parallels with white box and black box testing. Here’s a brief comparison.

  • White box testing: We test the logic of an application with full knowledge of the internals (i.e., structure, implementation).
  • Black box testing: We test the outcomes and behaviour of an application without knowledge about internal code and implementation.

Here, our pre-train tests are similar to white box testing. We have tests cases to check our written logic and implementation (e.g., Gini gain, output shape/range, etc.). On the other hand, our post-train tests and model evaluation are akin to black box tests. We check the model’s learned behaviour and evaluate performance.

Here’s an excellent comparison of white box vs black box testing.

Testing RandomForest—does it improve accuracy/AUC?

Next, we want to improve on DecisionTree by adding bagging and making it a RandomForest. We can do this by inheriting from DecisionTree and overriding the fit() and predict() methods.

For pre-train tests, we should make sure that additional trees improve accuracy and AUC. In the example below, we train RandomForest models with 1, 3, 7, and 15 bagged trees and check if accuracy and AUC increases.

def test_dt_increase_acc(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic

    acc_list = []
    auc_list = []
    for num_trees in [1, 3, 7, 15]:
        rf = RandomForest(num_trees=num_trees, depth_limit=7, col_subsampling=0.7, row_subsampling=0.7), y_train)
        pred = rf.predict(X_test)
        pred_binary = np.round(pred)
        acc_list.append(accuracy_score(y_test, pred_binary))
        auc_list.append(roc_auc_score(y_test, pred))

    assert sorted(acc_list) == acc_list, 'Accuracy should increase as number of trees increases.'
    assert sorted(auc_list) == auc_list, 'AUC ROC should increase as number of trees increases.'

We’ll also want to check that, given the same tree depth, RandomForest outperforms DecisionTree on a validation data set.

def test_rf_better_than_dt(dummy_titanic):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = dummy_titanic

    dt = DecisionTree(depth_limit=10), y_train)

    rf = RandomForest(depth_limit=10, num_trees=7, col_subsampling=0.8, row_subsampling=0.8), y_train)

    pred_test_dt = dt.predict(X_test)
    pred_test_binary_dt = np.round(pred_test_dt)
    acc_test_dt = accuracy_score(y_test, pred_test_binary_dt)
    auc_test_dt = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_test_dt)

    pred_test_rf = rf.predict(X_test)
    pred_test_binary_rf = np.round(pred_test_rf)
    acc_test_rf = accuracy_score(y_test, pred_test_binary_rf)
    auc_test_rf = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_test_rf)

    assert acc_test_rf > acc_test_dt, 'RandomForest should have higher accuracy than DecisionTree on test set.'
    assert auc_test_rf > auc_test_dt, 'RandomForest should have higher AUC ROC than DecisionTree on test set.'

Similar to DecisionTree, we run invariance and directional expectation tests. We also do model evaluation on accuracy and AUC, training time, and inference time. (Note: Given a RandomForest of five trees, we should expect our training and inference time to be ~5x of DecisionTree as training and inference is not parallelized.)

Try it for yourself and break something

Alright enough reading; I urge you to clone the GitHub repository and try it for yourself. It’s as simple as:

# Clone and setup environment
git clone
cd testing-ml
make setup

# Run test suite
make check

Mess around with the implementation and tests. Break something! If you’re feeling adventurous, update DecisionTree to also do regression. You’ll need to:

  • Add an __init__() argument for classification or regression. Alternatively, create it a new DecisionTree class (via inheritance perhaps?) solely for regression.
  • Add a function to check for RMSE or MSE improvement (instead of Gini gain).
  • Add a test data set (perhaps Boston?) and basic data prep steps.
  • Add test cases and model evaluation checks.

Do you know of (i) other frameworks for machine learning tests on learned behaviour, or (ii) examples of behaviour failures in machine learning applications?

I would love to hear from you—please leave a comment below. Alternatively, here’s a survey on machine learning checks and failures.

Thanks to Yang Xinyi, Jeremy Jordan, David Vargas, and Joel Christiansen for reading drafts of this.

If you found this useful, please cite this write-up as:

Yan, Ziyou. (Sep 2020). How to Test Machine Learning Code and Systems.


  title   = {How to Test Machine Learning Code and Systems},
  author  = {Yan, Ziyou},
  journal = {},
  year    = {2020},
  month   = {Sep},
  url     = {}

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