Image classification API is now live!

[ deeplearning python production 🛠 ] · 2 min read

After toiling for a few months on this, product image classification is now live on! While the product classification API works with product titles, the image classification API works with product images, though only for fashion. (Github repositiory)

Update: API discontinued to save on cloud cost.

This is part of a series of posts on building a product classification API:

Some facts about the image classification API:

  • Works best with e-commerce like fashion images (as that’s what it was trained on)
  • Top-1 validation accuracy: 0.76; Top-5 validation accuracy: 0.974
  • Returns results under 300 milliseconds (will be faster in batch mode with GPU)
  • Built on Keras and Theano, and runs on a tiny AWS server without GPU.

How to play with it? First, click on browse to select a file for upload. The file needs to have either a “.png”, “.jpg”, or “.jpeg” extension (case-insensitive).

Image classification image input

A very simple input form for your images, with basic validation.

Then, click on the submit button below and wait patiently—results should appear in a second or so, depending on network speed and image size.

Image classification submit button

A very simple submit button.

Here’s an example

Given a photo of a t-shirt…

Image classification input t-shirt

I wonder if the model will also have learnt about the tagline on the t-shirt.

… here’s the result we get. Image classification input t-shirt result

Oh, they don't have a category for smartass t-shirt.

It works on mobile too

Image classification mobile

Look ma, web responsive!

You can also try the image classification API on mobile. On iOS, it allows you to take a photo, or select one from your photo library or iCloud drive.

Please leave suggestions on UI (or any other) improvements in the comments!

If you found this useful, please cite this write-up as:

Yan, Ziyou. (Nov 2016). Image classification API is now live!.


  title   = {Image classification API is now live!},
  author  = {Yan, Ziyou},
  journal = {},
  year    = {2016},
  month   = {Nov},
  url     = {}

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