(12)Why OMSCS? How can I get accepted? How much time needed? Did it help your career? And more...
26 Jul 2020  Ā·  15 min  Ā·  learning omscs š„
OMSCS CS6200 (Introduction to OS) - Moving data from one process to another, multi-threaded.
15 Dec 2019  Ā·  7 min  Ā·  omscs learning engineering
OMSCS CS6750 (Human Computer Interaction) - You are not your user! Or how to build great products.
OMSCS CS6440 (Intro to Health Informatics) - A primer on key tech and standards in healthtech.
OMSCS CS7646 (Machine Learning for Trading) - Don't sell your house to trade algorithmically.
11 May 2019  Ā·  9 min  Ā·  omscs learning machinelearning python
OMSCS CS6601 (Artificial Intelligence) - First, start with the simplest solution, and then add intelligence.
20 Dec 2018  Ā·  8 min  Ā·  omscs learning machinelearning python
OMSCS CS6460 (Education Technology) - How to scale education widely through technology.
OMSCS CS7642 (Reinforcement Learning) - Landing rockets (fun!) via deep Q-Learning (and its variants).
30 Jul 2018  Ā·  6 min  Ā·  omscs learning deeplearning python
OMSCS CS7641 (Machine Learning) - Revisiting the fundamentals and learning new techniques.
27 Dec 2017  Ā·  4 min  Ā·  omscs learning machinelearning python
OMSCS CS6300 (Software Development Process) - Java and collaboratively developing an Android app.
13 Aug 2017  Ā·  5 min  Ā·  omscs learning engineering
OMSCS CS6476 Computer Vision - Performing computer vision tasks with ONLY numpy.
15 May 2017  Ā·  5 min  Ā·  omscs learning deeplearning python
Got accepted into Georgia Tech's Computer Science Masters!
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