Mailbag: How to Get Experienced DS Resume Noticed by Recruiters?

[ career datascience šŸ“¬ ] Ā· 5 min read

I writes:

Hello! Iā€™ve been working as a data scientist for close to 2 years now and would like to start applying for jobs again soon. Just wanted to ask for your opinion on what more I should include in my resume in addition to all the basic information (education, work experience etc) to increase the chances of getting called up by recruiters. There are quite a bit of resources on how to pass interviews and how to prepare your resume for people new to this field but Iā€™ve not found much for existing data scientists. Iā€™ve come up with some points below:

  • Kaggle competitions
    • I know you did a very successful product classification challenge 6 years ago and ranked in the top 3% but these days I feel that Kaggle competitions are much harder to crack due to the many PhDs and geniuses there. And I think if you arenā€™t in the top few % then itā€™s probably not worth mentioning on your resume? Itā€™s definitely a nice-to-have but not the most bang-for-buck since itā€™s very time consuming and not entirely representative of real world challenges.
  • Personal side projects?
    • I actually have a friend who runs a shop that sells car accessories and performs car modifications. I have not asked yet but I think he would be open to letting me analyse his sales and coming up with ways to optimise his business or increase revenue. This seems a pretty exciting project to me since there are ā€œrealā€ implications as opposed to say a Kaggle project. Maybe I could somehow build an end-to-end product for this like how you did which is really interesting. The ā€˜downsideā€™ (I think) is that some people may see this as an ā€˜unsexyā€™ project?
  • School projects
    • Iā€™m also doing OMSCS just like you did and Iā€™m wondering if its worth including some of the more interesting projects on my resume, like the ones in Reinforcement Learning for instance. Another reason for including this is because itā€™s really difficult to devote time to other side projects while in this program (Iā€™m sure you can testify on this) so I guess itā€™s sort of implicitly saying ā€œhey I donā€™t have many side projects because Iā€™m studying, not slackingā€
  • Volunteer with DataKind or something but I heard they are pretty strict on accepting new members these days (my friend tried and got no response) so Iā€™m not optimistic about this
  • Nothing? Just relying on the descriptions of your achievements at your current job would do.
  • Other suggestions?

Do you have any opinions on this? If it helps, Iā€™m based in Singapore. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

This is a great question. I find thatā€”at least in Singaporeā€”getting your resume picked up by recruiters is somewhat of a game. Understanding what they look for is key.

ā€œWhat should I include in my resume to increase the chances of getting called up by recruiters?ā€

In my experience, most recruiters (in Singapore) tend to be keyword scanners and experience calculators (though there are a few good ones that are excellent at spotting talent outside of the resume). Thus, regular recruiters just compare your keywords and experience against the job description/requirements to see if it matches upā€”thatā€™s how they determine candidate quality.

Does the candidate meet 8 out of 10 requirements, or just 5/10? They donā€™t want to forward hiring managers too many 5/10s. Thus, theyā€™ll play it safe and only reach out and forward resumes if it crosses a certain threshold (e.g., 8-9/10).

The suggestions you have (e.g., Kaggle, side projects, volunteering) are great, though it depends on the recruiter and hiring managerā€™s inclination. Look at the industry/companies/teams you want to joinā€”do they tend to be filled with Kaggle competitors? Or do they work on a lot of side projects? Personally, as a hiring manager, Iā€™m biased towards personal projects as they demonstrate curiosity, learning ability, and grit; other hiring managers might emphasize other aspects.

To summarize, for your resume:

  • Have a summary on top, with 3 bullet points (max) on why they should hire you.
  • Then, your work experience, with measurable results from your deliverables.
  • Then, education, showcasing relevant learning (e.g., classes taken).
  • Lastly, your projects, MOOCs, etc.

Write it in such a way that it meets most of the standard job requirements for roles youā€™re targeting.

ā€œWow, that sounds really difficult (and somewhat random).ā€

Yes, it is. Thus, instead of waiting for recruiters to call on you, I suggest (i) getting referred, or (ii) reaching out directly to the hiring manager instead.

Hereā€™s what that process looks like:

  • Look for roles youā€™re keen on.
  • Do you have a friend in the company that can refer you?
  • If yes, reach out to themā€”with the URL of the job postingā€”and ask them to help refer you. Of the many times I tried this, I always got a first interview.
  • If no, try looking for the hiring manager and reaching out directly, explaining how your skills and experience can help in the role and team.
  • Repeat.

While this sounds tedious, itā€™s far more effective. For example, job applications usually have a 5-10% conversion rate to get the first interview. In contrast, from experience, referrals and cold emails have >95%.

All the best!

Have a question for me? Happy to answer concise questions via email on topics I know about. More details in How I Can Help.

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